Monday, December 10, 2012

Networking Master

Why Network? Study after study has been released showing that owners of small businesses consider networking as THE number one way for new business development.


The word conjures up all sorts of interesting pictures. Men in recliners smoking cigars and making deals in back rooms. MLM distributors cheering at training sessions and trying to recruit everyone who comes within 3 feet of them when they're done. Even computer wizards doing arcane things behind the scenes to make your Internet connection work.

Networking is about connections. For your purposes in business, it's making connections that bring you customers.

WHAT IS NETWORKING? Networking is cultivating mutually beneficial, give-and-take, win-win relationships.

Networking is the process of developing and nurturing professional contacts to obtain:

1. Referrals

2. Advice

3. Information

4. Support Networking is the ability to relate to and talk to anyone ... anytime ... anywhere, with honesty.

Those who know how to use a network realize:

We are not dependent on each other; nor are we independent of each other ... we are interdependent with each other! The strength ... excitement of networking/networks is that all the people who are part of your network are parts of other networks and their own! Remember ... the "Law of 250" ... Each of us has a sphere of influence of 250 people. (The people who would attend our wedding or funeral). The more people you meet (network) the larger your sphere ... they all have 250 also! A couple of basic working definitions are in order.

Contact A person with whom you have developed, or are developing, an ongoing relationship of trust and mutual respect, SPECIFICALLY REGARDING BUSINESS MATTERS.

To read this complete article & download the complete resource document, visit the OED Community!

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