Monday, June 27, 2011

Unintended Conseqeunce of Affordable Care Act Boon for Young Entrepreneurs?

With all of the debate about the Affordable Care Act and all the back and forth yet to happen during implementation, there does appear to be at least one bright spot for entrepreneurs. It's a bright spot shining specifically on young entrepreneurs, the result of coverage extension through age 26.

It used to be, back in the day, like way back in 2010, you went to college and were covered under your parents' healthcare until receiving your sheepskin. Once you graduated, you were now looking at no coverage or bridge policies available in select states only for college grads. The clock was ticking to find a job for many reasons, and among the most compelling of them was health coverage.

Now, fast forward to 2011. It's no secret recent grads are facing a depressed job market. What they also are facing, however, are evolving opinions of entrepreneurship by younger citizens. This generation has been raised among software, devices, social media platforms, and products generated by the youngest of business moguls. Huge brands like Apple and Facebook are communication lifelines to them, not "new-tech" gadgets. Just as these products are perfectly natural to them for everyday use, so is the notion of a young person with a great idea launching a business. And now, one of the largest concerns of every entrepreneur, affordable healthcare coverage, appears to be within reach... at least until 26.Many are seizing the opportunity to strike out on their own.

For more background on how this legislative policy may reshape the age range of small business start ups, check out

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