Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easy, Hidden Tips for Small Business Branding

Q. to OED:
What are some inexpensive “hidden ways” to enforce who we are to our customers?

A. by OED Certified Advisor Seth Isaacson:
Every contact we make with a customer is an opportunity to enforce who we are as a company and what we stand for. You may not think about it as often as you should, but this is where customer service begins. Every interaction creates the brand of your company; it burns an irreplaceable image in the customer’s mind that cannot be easily changed. Simple things that a customer sees, such as the cleanliness of your office or store reflects the way your company operates. Making sure that things are organized, clean, and professional go a long way in creating a positive company image. Implementation requires minimal cost but means a great deal to your customer. It shows that you take pride in what you do and presents an unmistakable caring attitude. So, what are you telling your customers with every interaction? Additionally, are there other inexpensive ways that we can enforce our brand to our customers?

Many businesses rely on employees to interact with customers on every transaction. Do all your employees present a consistent company image to your customers? Customers want to know what to expect when doing business with you. Consistency is important. Does each employee conduct themselves with a caring, professional attitude toward your customer? If the answer to this question is “no”, or you don’t know the answer, you should immediately work on operational systems that address this issue. This is not only an inexpensive way to ensure proper customer service but reflects how you do business as a company. Putting these processes in place requires minimal cost and yet the return from improved customer relationships can increase your customer base as well as your profitability.

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