A plan succeeds only through action!
How many times have you heard a business owner proudly state, “I have a business plan”? Then you learn one or more of the following:
• The business plan was prepared when the business was first launched long ago.
• The plan has not been updated for years.
• The plan was prepared using a bank’s required format to help justify a loan.
• The management team does not refer to the plan.
• The plan is unwritten and exists only in the owner’s mind.
• The plan includes only general concepts and nothing specific.
A plan only has value if it helps guide implementation. That means it needs to be written and kept current. It needs to be used and referred to by the management team. It needs to include specific action items with target dates for completion.
Both plans and implementation are required to succeed. They go hand-in-hand.
If you act without a plan, you will be wasting time and money. If you plan without implementation, nothing gets accomplished.
Whatever business processes you follow, make sure they include both planning and implementation steps to ensure your actions are well thought out and your best laid plans are put into motion. The combination of advance planning and timely implementation goes a long way in building a successful business enterprise.
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