Friday, January 10, 2014

Social, Mobile, Content, Healthcare... Top SMB Trends for 2014

USA Today contributor Steve Straus continued his Annual Trend series on Jan 8 with this look ahead for the year in small business. No argument from us on some of his suggested trends, since many of us are seeing it already.

Worth a few minutes to read and assess your positions now, rather than being steamrolled in August when you're zigging in the face of everyone's zag!

"One of the best things about being in business today (or worst, I suppose, depending upon your point of view) is that it is always changing; not only do you need to be a savvy entrepreneur now, but you better be a life-long learner as well if you are going to stay in business.

Back in the day, a businessperson could be just that. Know your products and customers, be good at marketing and have a few other tricks up your sleeve and you were good to go. Not so now. In today's world you have to be a jack-of-all-trades, and then some. Business, technology, social media, marketing, SEO, outsourcing -- it all comes into play now... (jump to full article)"

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