Now that some time has passed since President Obama first unveiled his ideas in the American Jobs Act, we'd love to know what small business owners think. It appears, on the surface, that some of the politicians in DC are unsure of the plan, as evidenced by its lack of a sponsor to affix his/her name to the legislation. Some argue it's more stimulus spending, some argue it's a desperately needed infusion.
Scrolling through articles and blogs across the 'net, we're seeing some real concern by small business owners. General feedback seems to highlight that many businesses are not choosing to hire now due to the following:
-Uncertainty over impact of healthcare legislation on employee carrying costs
-Uncertainty over tax rates
-Trepidation over "double-dip" recession (though many also question if it ever left the first time)
-Constricted lending leading to reduced cashflow options
-Desire to pay down debt rather than incur new costs
So.... what do you think? Do you see yourself or your clients in this feedback? What do you think would help reduce unemployment in the US by one percentage point?
We're looking for productive dialogue, so no political slamming.
What do you think? Comment below or join the conversation in our LinkedIn group.
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